Wednesday, July 14, 2010

TCC Portsmouth campus dedication

Covered this event the other day. Feeling pretty good about how it came out . . .

The dedication of this new campus is a very big deal in the life of this local institution and they pulled out all the stops in creating a memorable event. I was priveleged to be part of a team of photographers who documented the event.

From the TCC Website:

"Tidewater Community College dedicated its new state-of-the-art campus in Portsmouth on July 13 with news of record-breaking growth and service to Hampton Roads.

"Amid 'cannon fire' and rousing drum rolls, TCC President Deborah M. DiCroce, Gov. Bob McDonnell and area dignitaries dedicated the Fred W. Beazley Portsmouth Campus to the applause of hundreds of faculty, staff, students and guests. In a style befitting the launch of a ship, the assembled group of government, industry and education officials jointly pulled 20-foot ribbons tied to the tip of a symbolic ship’s bow.

"The new Portsmouth Campus replaces and reinvents TCC’s founding campus, opened in 1968 when the Beazley Foundation donated the former Frederick College – approximately 750 acres of property – and $1 million to the Commonwealth of Virginia.

"TCC’s most technologically advanced campus yet, the $65 million Fred W. Beazley Portsmouth Campus offers critical foundation and benchmark programs in the sciences, nursing, HVAC (heating/ventilation/air conditioning), welding and CADD (computer-aided drafting and design) – which have seen resounding growth at the new campus."

The Communications office stood up a photo essay about this event here:

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