Sunday, April 10, 2011

Studio with Yelena

Nikon D700, 85mm @ f/4.5, 1/250th of a second, ISO 200.

A friend of a former model asked if I would do some head shots for her. This was an opportunity to try out some new tools and techniques.

Nikon D700, 85mm @ f/4.5, 1/250th of a second, ISO 200.

Used a Larson Flying Starfish as a modifier on my key light, and a reflector. Put a screen on my kicker and had at the lighting.

Nikon D700, 85mm @ f/4, 1/250th of a second, ISO 200.

Yelena came in with a sense of what she wanted to achieve and worked at it. She was easy to coach and pretty fearless.

Nikon D700, 85mm @ f/4, 1/250th of a second, ISO 200.

Friday, April 8, 2011

New TCC Student Center

Was recently asked to shoot an exterior for a new building that TCC had constructed. As luck would have it, I had been on hand for the groundbreaking ceremony as well. I thought this image was pretty good, as I was able to capture the lights of traffic during the time d exposure.

 This is the image they decided to use for a poster. It's an HDR composite of several images.

Being a college student has clearly changed since the Dark Ages when I went to school. The facility is spectacular.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back to Basics

Decades ago I got my start as a newspaper photographer, and have always felt at home covering events and sports, things that require the ability to think on your feet and respond quickly to changing events. And light.

This picture was a challenge. Ever tried to hold and pose 100-odd college kids for a picture when the bar is open inside?
Double speedlight assist for the expose. We lost a couple, but they were thirsty . . .

In that spirit it was back to basics on Friday night as I covered an formal event for a local fraternity and sorority. One of the interesting challenges the event photographer has to contend with is changing light conditions. So I saw everything from full daylight to speedlight-assisted murk.

No doubt that going full frame makes a huge difference.

Attractive young people everywhere you cared to look!

Full frame really makes a difference when mixing speedlight and ambient.

The event, at the Planters' Club in Suffolk, was brimming with lovely young women.

As the evening wore on, the "formal" became far less so. Some things have NOT changed in 40 years....